shares common goals and objectives with other management activities. When
John Bartlett CBCI, DBCI |
implemented correctly and with maturity, BC can provide significant benefit
through the sharing of key information and the prioritisation of activities.
Business Continuity Institute (BCI), a recognised world leader in setting and
communication best practices for BC, states that an organisation’s
vulnerabilities in its business and operating model can be categorised into
seven areas: Reputation, Supply Chain, Information and Communication, Sites and
Facilities, People, Finance and Customers. It can also be argued that the
categories of Technology and Processes should also be included in this list. Anything
that can affect one or more of these categories can potentially disrupt the
organisation and therefore should be reviewed and/or considered by the
organisations BC.
does not mean that the BC function should manage areas that could introduce a
vulnerability under these categories, but it does mean that BC should perform a
Quality Assurance and Governance role to ensure activities that could introduce
vulnerabilities are being performed correctly, diligently and with the
necessary controls. This will ensure BC remains a pro-active measure within the
organisation as well as a reactive one.
at these vulnerabilities in a more depth allows us to build an understanding of
their relationship with BC, and therefore some of the considerations required
when conducting a BC risk assessment as well as performing the on-going BC
& Customers
activities that are customer facing (such as product or service quality and
reliability, help desk, websites, branches, sales people, reception desks)
could impact the customers perception of the organisation and therefore the
organisations reputation and possibly result in negative publicity which would
require management attention and could lead to more wide scale impact and
and management of suppliers is an important quality criteria, get it wrong and
you place your organisation in jeopardy. Therefore due diligence of suppliers
and confidence in their ability to deliver reliable, quality services and have
their own risk management and BC in place (for continuance of services to you
in the event of an incident is critical). Being able to monitor and measure
supplier performance (quality and reliability) and ensure controls are in place
will help identify issues early and enable proactive management before an
incident becomes a crisis. This may require specific contractual clauses in
supplier agreements. For BC, spreading key supplies across suppliers and
identifying alternative suppliers will also help manage the risks.
and Communication
that key information is identified (e.g. during the BIA) and has the necessary
controls for safe and secure storage and retrieval, along with preservation
will help ensure the information can be available if something goes wrong.
is vital in today’s world of technology, maintaining contact details for key
suppliers and staff, and maintaining contact even following disruption is
critical. Problems often occur with communication links, so controls should be
in place to protect them and alternative links or methods of communication
which can be relied upon in the event of an incident should be in place (e.g.
email, SMS, GSM, fixed line, data links, satellite links/phones).
and Facilities
and site facilities are essential for the smooth running of organisations and
numerous resilience options are available from UPS systems and backup
generators to spreading occupation over multiple sites. However, the right
controls should also be in place to manage and maintain the sites, conducting
risk assessments before maintenance work is carried out, notifying stakeholders
and ensuring that only authorised or appropriate people conduct work or have
access to facilities. It should not be forgotten that BC recovery facilities
require the same level of maintenance and control as primary sites.
are sometimes referred to as the ‘life blood’ of organisations therefore it is
important to develop resilience and protection for them. This should include
implementing Health and Safety (HSSE) to protect their wellbeing, providing
suitable training to remove single points of failure (knowledge), improve staff
morale & job satisfaction to reduce staff turnover rates, ensure BC
requirements are included in job responsibilities and performance measurement.
Assessing these is all part of the BC risk assessment as they could contribute
to significant risks in the organisation.
due diligence of suppliers as a control helps protect the organisation. But BC
also requires budget, without the right budget facility BC can itself become a
risk to the organisation as information and facilities may not be available or
maintained as required and therefore not available when needed following a
disruption. Also, the information from the BIA should help prioritise
expenditure on risk reduction and resilience for critical activities and
facilities to help protect the organisation from disruptions.
controls and resilience over technology and infrastructure is paramount in
protecting an organisation and developing resilience. This should include
regular backups of systems, maintaining IT DR systems in-line with primary
systems, include BC and DR assessments in projects and changes, ensuring
security and access controls are in place to provide protection, controlling
and managing the desktop environment at normal and Business recovery locations,
and ensuring focus on the critical systems identified during the BIA and CRA.
breakdown in a process often results in a disruption to the organisation.
Therefore processes should be designed with controls in place and wherever
possible alternative methods for conducting an activity. All these should be
documented with procedures to ensure consistency and enforce controls, and
of the above should be regularly monitored by the BC function to ensure the
controls are in place, being managed and being maintained as they should be.
The BC function should have the confidence that this is happening and the
capability of escalating any problems if they are not.
cannot be implemented and managed in isolation. It holds critical information
(from the BIA, RA and CRA) on the organisation, its critical activities,
systems, information and suppliers. This should be shared with other management
activities such as Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), IT, procurement and
Quality Assurance, helping to focus controls, ensure prioritisation on
expenditure, projects, etc. and enhance risk reporting. Thereby helping to
manage risk more effectively and ensure informed risk-based decisions are made,
reducing the likelihood of disruption and level of impact if it does occur.
This is the proactive nature of BC and where it will truly add value to any