Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Crisis management - achieving control in a crisis

Dominic Cockram

I will be talking on the topic of 'achieving control in a crisis' at the BCM World Conference 2013, and focussing on the key areas of:

  • What happens in a crisis?
  • What are the challenges you face?
  • How can you achieve control in such a situation?
First of all, one must understand just what a crisis means in terms of the characteristics of the actual crisis itself and the impacts on an organisation.  It is generally accepted that crises are characterised by:

  • Unpredictability
  • Complexity
  • Highly dynamic threat
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Scrutiny from the media, public and other interested parties
  • Uncertainty

These aspects create a situation which is volatile, fast moving, confusing and enormously pressured – not to mention the potential added emotional aspects if people have been injured or killed. Into this environment comes a crisis team – brought together at very short notice, not necessarily fully in the picture and expected to lead and generate the key strategic decisions for the organisation that will steer it into calmer waters with its reputation at least intact.

No pressure then!

Whilst this pressure cannot be removed necessarily, there are a number of aspects of good practice in crisis management that can, if well applied, lead to achieving control over events and the ability of the crisis team to get on the 'front foot'.

My focus at the conference will be to bring these critical areas to life, to use practical examples of what works and what does not, and what are some of the most important areas upon which to focus in order to maximise the chances of 'taking control' and achieving a good outcome for your organisation.

Dominic will be discussing the issue of crisis management within the 'Thought Leadership' stream at the BCM World Conference on Wednesday 6th November, starting at 11:15.

Monday, 4 November 2013

How can we evaluate business continuity risks in the supply chain?

James Stevenson
Rolls-Royce plc

The experts keep telling us that supply chain risks are important and it is old news that:

  • An interruption could damage the business
  • Customers should work with their suppliers to reduce the risk of interruption
  • Sometimes the problem is with supplier’s supplier, or their suppliers
  • Unfortunately, supply chain risks seem to be increasing in scale and complexity

Occasionally, this kind of alarm call reaches the Board or Executive Management responsible for understanding the significant risks facing their business. They realise that the threat is real and ask around to see who is managing this area of risk.

In my view, BC Managers are well placed to do this and with some minor adjustments to the BCM programme we can help the business to understand and manage supply chain business continuity risks.

At the BCM Global Conference, I will introduce the work underway at Rolls-Royce plc that is helping us to:

  • Assess the BCM process site by site
  • Evaluate the major SC risks at owned facilities
  • Evaluate the major SC risks presented by external suppliers

I hope that this will provide BC Managers with practical steps and simple suggestions to evaluate supply chain business continuity risks more effectively.

James will be discussing this and the issue of supply chain continuity within the 'BC in Action' stream at the BCM World Conference on Thursday 67h November, starting at 10:35.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Making the most of your conference experience

Andrew Scott
Business Continuity Institute

The BCI is a global organisation with Members, Forums, Chapters and Partners all across the world, but whether it is due to time, distance or perhaps even environmental concerns, unfortunately not everyone who would like to attend the BCM World Conference and Exhibition on the 6th and 7th November will be able to do so. Sadly some people will miss out…

I don’t know about you but I sometimes feel like I’m doing several jobs at once. I'm sure we all do at times but even so, and with the best will in the world, none of us will be able to attend all three streams of the conference at the same time, not to mention the packed exhibition that will be going on or the free seminar programme taking place. With so much happening, we simply cannot attend everything. Again, sadly some people will miss out…

Or will they? Of course attending the conference and listening to the individual presentations will offer the best learning experience. But just because you’re separated by several thousand miles, or only in the next lecture hall, does not mean you have to miss out completely. In this day and age, with many of us using social media, we can take the discussions out of the lecture hall and into the virtual world. We can involve in our conversations all those connected to the Institute, or business continuity in general, whether they are at the conference or not.

If you use Twitter or Linked In, or perhaps Google+ or Facebook, then why not start a discussion online and engage with many more of your BC colleagues. The bonus is that it will help make sure the conversations continue long after the conference is over.

Of course it is also important not to miss out on the earliest form of social networking - talking to your colleagues face to face, at least those who are fortunate to be there with you.

Enjoy the conference and I look forward to meeting many of you there. For those of you on Twitter, the hashtag we will be using is #BCM2013.