I will be talking on the topic of 'achieving control in a crisis' at the BCM World Conference 2013, and focussing on the key areas of:
- What happens in a crisis?
- What are the challenges you face?
- How can you achieve control in such a situation?
First of all, one must understand just what a crisis means in terms of the characteristics of the actual crisis itself and the impacts on an organisation. It is generally accepted that crises are characterised by:
- Unpredictability
- Complexity
- Highly dynamic threat
- Lack of boundaries
- Scrutiny from the media, public and other interested parties
- Uncertainty
These aspects create a situation which is volatile, fast moving, confusing and enormously pressured – not to mention the potential added emotional aspects if people have been injured or killed. Into this environment comes a crisis team – brought together at very short notice, not necessarily fully in the picture and expected to lead and generate the key strategic decisions for the organisation that will steer it into calmer waters with its reputation at least intact.
No pressure then!
Whilst this pressure cannot be removed necessarily, there are a number of aspects of good practice in crisis management that can, if well applied, lead to achieving control over events and the ability of the crisis team to get on the 'front foot'.
My focus at the conference will be to bring these critical areas to life, to use practical examples of what works and what does not, and what are some of the most important areas upon which to focus in order to maximise the chances of 'taking control' and achieving a good outcome for your organisation.
Dominic will be discussing the issue of crisis management within the 'Thought Leadership' stream at the BCM World Conference on Wednesday 6th November, starting at 11:15.