Tuesday, 3 April 2012

BCI comes out at DRJ Spring World Conference 2012

John Di Maria Winner
Business Continuity Manager Consultant of the Year
 sponsored by IT Professional Group
Last week saw the first outing of the BCI as Education Partners of the Disaster Recovery Journal (DRJ) at their Spring World Conference held in Florida.

As a first time visitor to both Florida and a DRJ event, I was very impressed with both.  The location was excellent, convenient for the airport, beautifully laid out with good accommodation and wonderfully warm.  Inside the conference venue, however, things were even better.  DRJ offered a superb range of plenary and breakout streams catering for all levels of expertise and learning requirements. It was obvious from the buzz in the dining area and corridors that many attendees also used the event to catch up with old friends and make new connections.

The BCI Team at the BCI North America Awards
The BCI Team, including Central Office, the US Office and both US and Canadian Chapters, was out in force to show our support for DRJ and to talk to the many visitors to our booth about why the BCI is unique and what we can offer members.   Activities and outputs from the very recent Business Continuity Awareness Week featured highly in our discussions as we showcased why the BCI is the thought leader in the BCM arena.  We also registered a great deal of interest in the Institute and will shortly be welcoming many more new members.

DRJ also offered the chance to get to know colleagues and partners in a more relaxed social environment.  The BCI US Chapter was pleased to greet in excess of 300 guests to a welcome reception which kicked off the event.  Send Word Now (Platinum Sponsor of the BCI’s BCM World Conference) hosted a superb 30’s style, classy evening down on the beach.  The final night, however, saw the inaugural BCI North American Awards ceremony presented by our own Master of Ceremonies, Frank Leonetti MBCI – well done to all winners.

The night was wrapped up with a high octane party from xMatters who kindly sponsored the BCI Awards – those guys really know how to party.

Lorraine Darke
Executive Director BCI

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